Zoom In And Join Us In Our Virtual Studios

A rocket with a microphone and shiny colorful lights is ascending in the sky

Zoom In, Meet Us In Our Virtual Studios

If this is your first time on this site, you may want to read first so you know what you can expect from joining us in our virtual studios. While interacting live during a show is fun, the environment may not be for everyone. Therefore, while not required, it's suggested that you read the below information as it contains a guide to how we'll be running the zoom room to try to keep the peace and make everyone feel comfortable and safe. A beaconeer in the studio will be happy to answer any questions.

Joining The Studio

click here to join on zoom if a live show is on
If the link gives you any problems, you can put in our meeting ID manually. It's
which spells out
You can also call in by phone. Simply dial
When prompted for the code, put in
or in numbers that's

Zoom Ground Rules

To be part of our zoom studios, please note the following.

  • 1. When you come to our room, you'll be placed in our waiting room. Please be patient, as it can take a few minutes to bring someone in. Also, if we are on a voice break, you will not be brought in until that voice break is completed. No exceptions.
  • 2. Please try to get along with everyone. It's OK if you need to leave for a little bit. You can also be asked to be put into a breakout room or back in the waiting room if you need a breather.
  • 3. If there's an issue that is disrupting the flow of the interaction, a beaconeer and the people involved in the issue will go to a breakout to try to resolve the issue. If all can be settled, then no problems. But if not, or if the problem continues when people return, someone may be asked to leave just for the duration of the currently playing broadcast. It's not a reflection on anyone; it may just need to be done if cooler heads can't prevail.
  • 4. Unless all parties are agreeable, the stream will not be played in our studios. This is to prevent overload on noise from making people feel triggered. If all parties are cool with this, we can play the stream in the zoom room if needed, but as there are alternate methods of listening, it's important not to chase people away by too much sound when it's avoidable.
  • 5. Have fun. This is a chance to form new friendships and connect, so relax, be yourself and enjoy the light!

Feel free to reach out if you need anything at
or use the contact link at the top of the page.

2020 The Beacon Audio Player